Sometimes you just need someone who understands

I remember the first time I used my Human Design knowledge to see my partner, like really see him. Not who I thought he was, or who I wanted him to be, but him. Real. Raw. Human. Him

It was 3 months into our relationship and we were talking on the phone. He started talking about something and repeating himself and I found myself getting frustrated.

I remember thinking to myself, “Does he think I’m stupid? Why is he repeating himself?”

And then I remembered that, in Human Design, his G centre and his Sacral are connected to his throat centre. Which means he’s here to speak in the moment (Sacral) and he’s here to speak to find his inner knowing (G).

He wasn’t speaking so I would understand, he was speaking so he could understand.

As soon as I had this realization, I found myself softening. I was able to listen as he spoke and processed his own knowing without getting triggered.

Me though, I’m here to speak from my emotions and feelings (Solar Plexus to Throat connection). I’ve learned the hard way that, when I’m feeling something, especially anger or frustration, I need to speak about it to find my own truth.

BUT! and this is big if you have channel 36/35, it is best for me to speak to someone else about the issue so I can find my truth. Otherwise I end up saying something that isn’t fully true while I wade through my emotional experience. This can lead to more chaos and conflict.

Regardless of whether you are into Human Design or not, we are all just looking to be seen, heard and validated in our experience, whatever that may be.

This is the point of love and friendship, no? To feel safe enough to be seen and to work to see others as they are, flaws and all. If we want to be loved as we are, we must remember to loves others as they are.

Human Design has been an incredible tool to help me know and love myself, and then to use that knowledge to know and love others. I have given countless relationship, family and coworker readings. More and more people are seeing how valuable it is to know themselves better, and to know those they love better. This knowledge cannot help but change your relationships.

With love xx

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